After the Crisis: Housing Policy and Finance
in the US and UK
Thursday 13 September, 2012
1:30 - 6pm, $0
New School, Lang Community Center
55 West 13 Street, Arnhold Hall, Floor Two
The New School is hosting a two-day conference to reflect on the state of housing policy and housing finance in the US and UK. Leading housing experts from both nations will examine the current state of housing finance, and housing policy discuss future prospects, with a focus on housing finance and affordability. The first day of the conference will feature two discussion panels, on the Future of Housing Finance, and on Post-Crisis Prospects for Affordable Rental Housing in a Time of Fiscal Austerity. The second day will feature two sets of paper presentations.
Thursday, Sept. 13
1:30 PM Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Robert Buckley (The New School) and Alex Schwartz (The New School), Conference Organizers
David Van Zandt, President of the New School
1:45 PM Discussion Panel 1: The Future of Housing Finance
David Miles (Bank of England, Member of Monetary Policy Committee)
Edward Kane (Boston College)
Nicolas Retsinas (Harvard University)
Moderator: John Cassidy (Staff Writer, The New Yorker magazine)
4:00 PM Discussion Panel 2: Post-Crisis Prospects for Affordable Rental Housing in a Time of Fiscal Austerity
Xavier Briggs (MIT)
Mike Murray (Bates College)
Mark Stephens (Heriot-Watt University)
William Traylor (Richman Group)
Moderator: Christine Whitehead (London School of Economics)
Thursday, Sept. 13
1:30 PM Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Robert Buckley (The New School) and Alex Schwartz (The New School), Conference Organizers
David Van Zandt, President of the New School
1:45 PM Discussion Panel 1: The Future of Housing Finance
David Miles (Bank of England, Member of Monetary Policy Committee)
Edward Kane (Boston College)
Nicolas Retsinas (Harvard University)
Moderator: John Cassidy (Staff Writer, The New Yorker magazine)
4:00 PM Discussion Panel 2: Post-Crisis Prospects for Affordable Rental Housing in a Time of Fiscal Austerity
Xavier Briggs (MIT)
Mike Murray (Bates College)
Mark Stephens (Heriot-Watt University)
William Traylor (Richman Group)
Moderator: Christine Whitehead (London School of Economics)