Cinema and the Legacies of Critical Theory
(Day Two)
Saturday 22 September, 2012
9am - 5:45pm, $0
Columbia University, Deutsches Haus
420 West 116th Street
This conference is dedicated to the memory of Miriam Hansen and her seminal work in film history and film theory. One focus of the conference is her posthumously published book Cinema and Experience: Siegfried Kracauer, Walter Benjamin, and Theodor W. Adorno (2012). Other topics are early cinema, on which Hansen has published an influential book, the idea of a vernacular modernism in global context which her latest work was focused on, and the kind of political intellectual investments she stood for both in Germany, in this country, and across the world. The conference brings together major film scholars from Europe and the United States and is designed to carry on Miriam Hansen's critical work. The conference is organized by the journal New German Critique on whose editorial board Hansen served for several decades.
Organized by New German Critique and sponsored by DAAD New York, Goethe Institute New York, Deutsches Generalkonsulat New York, Lufthansa, the Heyman Center for the Humanities, and the Columbia Department of Germanic Languages.
Saturday, September 22
9:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
1. Vernacular Modernism I
Moderator: Victoria de Grazia, Columbia University
Gertrud Koch, Freie Universität Berlin
Experimental Aesthetics: Frankfurt, Moscow, Hollywood
Dan Morgan, University of Pittsburgh
'Play with Danger': Vernacular Modernism and the Problem of Criticism
Pamela Wojcik, University of Notre Dame
Vernacular Modernism as Child’s Play
11:00 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
2. Vernacular Modernism II
Moderator: James Schamus, Columbia University
Zhen Zhang, New York University
Melodrama as Global Vernacular: Daybreak and Beyond
Weihong Bao, University of California Berkeley
After Vernacular Modernism: The Case of Propaganda Film Theory in Wartime Chongqing
Yuri Tsivian, University of Chicago
Soviet Amerikanites and the Vernacular Modernism Thesis
2:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
3. Early Cinema
Moderator: E. Ann Kaplan, Stony Brook University
Tom Gunning, University of Chicago
The Interstices of the Moving Image: Experiencing Perception Through Cinema
Mary Ann Doane, University of California Berkeley
Facing a Universal Language
Xinyu Dong, University of Chicago
The Freudian Mime, or a Chinese Shadowplay Goes to Paris
4:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
4. Intellectual Investments
Moderator: Michael Geyer, University of Chicago
Bill Brown, University of Chicago
The Work of Play
Sabine Haenni, Cornell University
Intellectual Promiscuity
Martin Jay, University of California Berkeley
The Little Shop Girls Enter the Public Sphere
Organized by New German Critique and sponsored by DAAD New York, Goethe Institute New York, Deutsches Generalkonsulat New York, Lufthansa, the Heyman Center for the Humanities, and the Columbia Department of Germanic Languages.
Saturday, September 22
9:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
1. Vernacular Modernism I
Moderator: Victoria de Grazia, Columbia University
Gertrud Koch, Freie Universität Berlin
Experimental Aesthetics: Frankfurt, Moscow, Hollywood
Dan Morgan, University of Pittsburgh
'Play with Danger': Vernacular Modernism and the Problem of Criticism
Pamela Wojcik, University of Notre Dame
Vernacular Modernism as Child’s Play
11:00 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
2. Vernacular Modernism II
Moderator: James Schamus, Columbia University
Zhen Zhang, New York University
Melodrama as Global Vernacular: Daybreak and Beyond
Weihong Bao, University of California Berkeley
After Vernacular Modernism: The Case of Propaganda Film Theory in Wartime Chongqing
Yuri Tsivian, University of Chicago
Soviet Amerikanites and the Vernacular Modernism Thesis
2:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
3. Early Cinema
Moderator: E. Ann Kaplan, Stony Brook University
Tom Gunning, University of Chicago
The Interstices of the Moving Image: Experiencing Perception Through Cinema
Mary Ann Doane, University of California Berkeley
Facing a Universal Language
Xinyu Dong, University of Chicago
The Freudian Mime, or a Chinese Shadowplay Goes to Paris
4:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
4. Intellectual Investments
Moderator: Michael Geyer, University of Chicago
Bill Brown, University of Chicago
The Work of Play
Sabine Haenni, Cornell University
Intellectual Promiscuity
Martin Jay, University of California Berkeley
The Little Shop Girls Enter the Public Sphere