NY Art Book Fair: Focus on East Asia

Artists’ Books in Tokyo, Taipei and Seoul

Saturday 29 September, 2012
2 - 3:30pm, $0

PS1 Courtyard
22-25 Jackson Avenue, Long Island City

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From the popularity of the Tokyo Art Book Fair and emergence of contemporary publication in Taipei to the expansion of artist networks in Korea, this session will explore the practice and diffusion of artists’ books throughout East Asia by examining this unique cultural context, its local perspectives, artistic trends, and recent exhibitions. Participants include Juk Hee Kwon, Charwei Tsai, and Oliver Watson. Moderated by Hee Jung Lee. Organized by Sara Rubinow.


Juk Hee Kwon was born in Dae-Jun, Korea and lives and creates her sculptural bookworks in London. She received her MA in Book Arts from Camberwell College of Arts, London, and her BFA from Chung-ang University, Korea. Her work has been exhibited in London, Paris, Brussels, and Korea, and she is actively involved in the Korean cross-cultural artist community in the UK.

Charwei Tsai was born in Taiwan and lives and works between Paris, New York and Taipei. In addition to her art practice, Tsai publishes Lovely Daze, a curatorial journal which provides a platform for artists to present their writings and artworks. Tsai received a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design and completed the postgraduate research program La Seine at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Tsai has had solo exhibitions in Beijing, Bogotá, Hong Kong, Mumbai, Paris, Singapore, Sydney, and Tokyo.

Oliver Watson is co-director of Zine’s Mate, which was was established in 2009 for the purpose of organizing Tokyo’s first large-scale art book fair. The Tokyo Art Book Fair has since become an annual event and this year’s fair will be held in late September, shortly after which Zine’s Mate will attend the NYABF as an exhibitor. Watson is also Editor, Creative Director and Designer of Paperback magazine.

Moderator: Hee Jung Lee was born in Seoul and is an acquisitions librarian and Korean art researcher at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. She is fluent in several languages, including English, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese.
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