Arnon Grunberg: Tirza
Monday 18 February, 2013
7pm, $0
192 Books
192 10th Avenue at 21 Street
örgen Hofmeester once had it all: a beautiful wife, a nice house with a garden in an upperclass neighborhood in Amsterdam, a respectable job as an editor, two lovely daughters named Ibi and Tirza, and a large amount of money in a Swiss bank account. But during the preparations for Tirza’s graduation party, we come to know what he has lost. His wife has left him; Ibi is starting a bed and breakfast in France, an idea which he opposed; the director of the publishing house has fired him; and his savings have vanished in the wake of 9/11. A heartrending and masterful story of a man seeking redemption, Tirza marks a high point in Arnon Grunberg’s still–developing oeuvre.