Monument? Forum? Fair?
On Kahn's Urbanism Today
Thursday 28 February, 2013
6:30 - 8pm, $0
CUNY, School of Architecture
141 Convent Avenue, Scaime Auditorium
Stanislaus von Moos is an art historian born in 1940 in Lucerne, Switzerland. He has published monographs on Le Corbusier (1968ff.; revised and updated edition 2009), Italian Renaissance Architecture (Turm und Bollwerk, 1976), the Architecture of Venturi, Scott Brown & Associates (1st volume 1987; 2nd volume 1999) and the History of Industrial Design in Switzerland (Industrieästhetik, ARS HELVETICA, vol.XI, 1992). More recently his publications include Le Corbusier Before Le Corbusier (ed., together with Arthur Rüegg, 2001) and Ernst Scheidegger. Chandigarh 1956 (ed., 2010). He has been co-curator of the exhibition "Le Corbusier. The Art of Architecture" (Vitra Design- Museum, 2007f., together with Arthur Rüegg and Mateo Kries) and is currently co-curating "Louis Kahn. The Power of Architecture" (Vitra Design-Museum, 2012, together with Jochen Eisenbrand). His current research involves the impact of the East-West conflict on the history of architecture and urbanism as well as the cross-pollinations between architecture and the visual arts since 1940. He has been professor of Modern Art at the University of Zurich (1983-2005) and is presently the Vincent Scully Visiting Professor at Yale University.