Notes on a Queer Brain: Can There be Critical Research on Sex/Gender in Neuroscience?

Wednesday 13 February, 2013
12 - 2pm, $0

The Graduate Center
365 Fifth Avenue, Room 6112

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Anelis Kaiser, associate researcher at the Center for Cognitive Science at the University of Freiburg, Germany. Dr. Kaiser recently co-edited a special issue of the journal Neuroethics on gender and brain science. She is co-founder (with Isabelle Dussauge) of the interdisciplinary network NeuroGenderings, which brings together experts from the brain sciences, the humanities, and science studies (STS) to critically study the sexed brain. She has published on sex and gender as constructed categories in science as well as on the topics of multilingualism and language processing in the brain. Co-sponsored with the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies.
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