On the Map: Art in Central America since 1990

Tuesday 26 February, 2013
6pm, $0/Rsvp

NYU Institute of Fine Arts
1 East 78 Street

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Monica Kupfer is an art historian, critic, and curator of contemporary art, with a Master's Degree and a Doctorate in Art History focused on Latin American art. She was the first curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Panama, where she continues to be a member of the exhibitions committee. In 1992, together with Irene Escoffery (†), she founded the Panama Art Biennial, which she directed for 12 years. She is president of the Foundation Arte y Cultura (Foundation for Art and Culture), and has worked internationally as juror, guest curator, and lecturer. She has been the curator for Panama at the art biennials of the Caribbean, Cuenca, Lima, and Venice. Author of numerous articles and essays, Kupfer is a contributor to Art Nexus, the Dictionary of Art, and the Encyclopedia of Art of Latin America and the Caribbean as well as co-author of the books Latin American Art of the XX Century, published by Phaidon Press of London, and Hundred Years of Art in Panama.

Please note: Seating in the Lecture Hall is on a first-come first-served basis with RSVP. There will be a simulcast presentation in an adjacent room to accommodate overflow.
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