Burning Man, Technology, Religion, and the Future
Larry Harvey, John Perry Barlow, Peter Hirshberg
Tuesday 19 November, 2013
7 - 9pm, $0
Columbia University, International Affairs Building
420 W 118 Street, Altschul Auditorium
Come see The Founders Speak, a panel on Burning Man, Technology, Religion, and the Future
Panelists will include:
Larry Harvey, Founder of Burning Man, and its guiding philosopher
John Perry Barlow, Founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Wyoming cattle rancher, and former lyricist for the Grateful Dead
Peter Hirshberg, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, and, according to Ted.com, perhaps the definitive voice on how new technology affects business and culture
Moderator: David Kittay, Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Religion, Columbia University
Co-sponsored by the IRCPL and the Department of Religion.