Why does this Piece of Art Look the Way That it Does?

Friday 22 November, 2013
1 - 4pm, $0/Rsvp

New School, Lang Building
65 West 11 Street, Floor 5, Wollman Hall (Room B500)

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Julie Arslanoglu: "Why does this piece of art look the way that it does?"

Knowing how a work of art is constructed is integral to understanding its historical significance, preservation or authenticity.

Julie Arslanoglu, an associate research scientist at New York City's Metropolitan Museum of Art, collaborates with curators and conservators in the study of artworks as well as conducts independent research on immunological and mass spectrometric techniques of organic materials. In 2010 she was awarded a three-year NSF-SciArt grant for the development and application of bioanalytical techniques to the study of proteins and gums in artworks in collaboration with Columbia University.

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