Urban Lighting: Let There Be Night
Saturday 16 November, 2013
7 - 10pm, $0
Columbia University, Northwest Corner Building
550 West 120 Street (Pupin Hall)
For many city-dwellers, connecting with the splendor of the night sky demands an escape from the ever brightly litlandscape of the built environment. This evening event will unpack the complex issues of urban lighting, investigating the impact of light pollution on human well-being and ecological systems, and exploring how light and dark influence our perception of place. Join us for a conversation with Paul Bogard, author of The End of Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light, along with Margaret Newman, Chief of Staff of the NYC Department of Transportation; Susan Harder, International Dark-Sky Association Representative; Linnaea Tillett of Tillett Lighting Design; and cancer epidemiologist Richard Stevens, followed by a night of stargazing and reflections on the night sky by artists and writers at Columbia University’s Pupin Hall observatory. This event is presented in partnership with Columbia University’s Astronomy Outreach and the Columbia School of the Arts.