Cultures of Finance: Gifts, Derivatives, and Socialities

Friday 21 March, 2014
9:30am - 5pm, $0/Rsvp

NYU Institute for Public Knowledge
20 Cooper Square, Floor 7

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This one day conference brings together a range of heterodox voices on questions of the culture and political economy of contemporary finance. Specifically, it convenes two clusters of scholars, The Australian Working Group in Financialization, based in Sydney, and the Cultures of Finance Group based at NYU, with international respondents who are connected to kindred endeavors taking place around the world. The day pursues multiple openings to the ways in which gifting can be understood through a financial lens, money is transformed through extant financial operations, emergent sociality legible are made legible in mutuality, and forms of credit and debt are detectable in the massive new wealth augured by ascendant derivatives. The day is divided amongst three panels that mix participants from the two primary groups--each of which is on the cusp of a major collaborative publication--and critical responses. Our hope is to place in conversation and give air to the entailments of our key arguments that have developed over many years of work and that are now ready to see the light of day in a comprehensive fashion. We hope you will join us for this rethinking of the materialities of the capitalism we live and the immanent politics and analytic language that our reading of derivatives affords.






9:30 Coffee Reception




10:00 Opening Remarks


Arjun Appadurai




10:30 -12:00 Operations of Money & Value Production


Dick Bryan, Martijn Konings, Ben Lee


Respondent: Robert Wosnitzer




12:00-1:30 Lunch




1:30-3:00 Housing, Debt & Ritual


Fiona Allon, Arjun Appadurai, Ed Lipuma


Respondent: Joyce Goggin




3:00-4:30 Derivative Politics


Carey Hardin, Robert Wosnitzer, Bob Meister


Respondent: Janalee Cherneski




4:30-5:00 Closing Remarks


Randy Martin




Reception to Follow Conference Proceedings




Co-Sponsors: The Australian Working Group on Financialization & The Bruce Initiative for Rethinking Capitalism at UC Santa Cruz
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