The Security Archipelago: Human-Security States, Sexuality Politics, and the End of Neoliberalism

Friday 21 March, 2014
4 - 6pm, $0

The Graduate Center
365 Fifth Avenue, Room C201-202

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In The Security Archipelago (Duke University Press), Paul Amar provides an alternative historical and theoretical framing of the refashioning of free-market states and the rise of humanitarian security regimes in the Global South by examining the pivotal, trendsetting cases of Brazil and Egypt. Addressing gaps in the study of neoliberalism and biopolitics, Amar describes how coercive security operations and cultural rescue campaigns confronting waves of resistance have appropriated progressive, antimarket discourses around morality, sexuality, and labor. The products of these struggles—including powerful new police practices, religious politics, sexuality identifications, and gender normativities—have traveled across an archipelago, a metaphorical island chain of what the global security industry calls “hot spots.” Homing in on Cairo and Rio de Janeiro, Amar reveals the innovative resistances and unexpected alliances that have coalesced in new polities emerging from the Arab Spring and South America’s Pink Tide. These have generated a shared modern governance model that he terms the “human-security state.”

Paul Amar is Associate Professor of Global Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Co-sponsored by the Middle Eastern and Middle Eastern American Center, the PhD Program in Political Science, Center for Global Ethics & Politics, Social and Political Theory Student Association, Women’s Studies Certificate Program, Center for Place, Culture and Politics and Hunter College Department of Political Science

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