Origins of Environmental Law Lecture Series, The Clean Air Act: The Floor Debate

Wednesday 01 October, 2014
11am - 12:50pm, $0

Columbia University, International Affairs
420 West 118 Street, Room 407

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The Earth Institute presents Origins of Environmental Law Lecture Series Description: Introduction to Early Environmental Legislation, Pre-1969.  

This seminar is part of a semester-long lecture series entitled The Origins of Environmental Law: Regulation and Evolution. Leon G. Billings and Thomas C. Jorling are the two senior staff members who led the Senate environment subcommittee which originated and developed major environmental legislation in the 1970s, including the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Superfund Act. Over the course of a single decade, Congress enacted a series of environmental laws that defined the direction and character of environmental policy in the US and globally. Learn about the process that led to these seminal laws from the writers of the legislation themselves.

This talk will provide an in-depth look at the Clean Air Act, through the floor debate between Senators Griffin and Hruska. Billings and Jorling will discuss the role of the unanimous vote, and the conference with the House. They will also discuss the role of the media, House staff and House Legislative Counsel, as well as the administrations attempt to scuttle the bill. 

RSVP is required for this event. Please note this lecture is part of a regularly scheduled course. Guests will join registered students in the class for the lecture and discussion. 

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