Life Outsourced: Globalization and Transnational Surrogacy in India

Thursday 06 November, 2014
6 - 8pm, $0

Columbia University, The Heyman Center
2960 Broadway, Floor 2 (Common Room)

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Shamita Das Dasgupta and Sayantani Dasgupta will discuss the increasingly commercial practice of transnational surrogacy, with a particular focus on India. Filmmaker and producer Vaishali Sinha will show clips from her film "Made in India."

In the twenty-first century, parenthood is no longer achieved only through gestation, adoption, or traditional surrogacy, but also via assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs), where science and technology play lead roles. Furthermore, in a globalized world economy, where the movement and transfer of people and commodities are increasing to serve the interests of capitalism, gamete donation and surrogate birth can traverse innumerable geographic, socio-economic, racialized, and political borderlands. Thus, reproduction itself can be outsourced.

Following the lecture, we invite all attendees to a University Seminar Dinner at Faculty House at Columbia. The cost of the dinner is $25.00, payable by check at the dinner to Columbia University Seminars. RSVP for the dinner at Eventbrite link.

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