Michel Foucault: The Late Lectures

Friday 07 November, 2014
3 - 5:30pm, $0

Columbia University, Buell Hall
515 West 116 Street, East Gallery

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A panel discussion with Seyla Benhabib, Franois Ewald, Bernard E. Harcourt, George Kateb, and Emmanuelle Saada

In his late Collge de France lectures, Michel Foucault opened up new paths for research, what he so often referred to as "des pistes de recherche," many of which have only come to light now as a result of the recent publication of the lectures. Ranging from the concept of security to the notion of truth-telling, to the relationship between veridiction and juridiction, to the arts of governing, the hermeneutics of the self, and the notion of "voluntary inservitude," the late lectures represent a font of new material to allow us to think with Foucault. At the same time, they offer a new lens through which to reread the earlier published works, from the History of Madness, though Discipline and Punish, to the History of Sexuality. This colloquium will discuss a number of the ideas and concepts that were born and sketched out in the lectures, but that remain today still to be explored.

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