Oceans of Trash: Tackling Marine Plastic Pollution

Saturday 31 January, 2015
2:30 - 5pm, $0

Hunter College, Silberman School of Social Work
2180 Third Avenue, Auditorium

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The 5 Gyres Institute

The 5 Gyres Institute conducts research and communicates about the global impact of plastic pollution in the world’s oceans. 5 Gyres employs strategies to eliminate the accumulation of plastic pollution in the five subtropical gyres.  5 Gyres founders Marcus Eriksen and Anna Cummins will present on their most recent research.

Alejandro Durán

Artist Alejandro Durán’s fascination with collecting and rearranging trash on the shores of Mexico’s Sian Ka’an region led to his ongoing project, Washed Up. As an educator, filmmaker, and artist, Alejandro’s work promotes awareness of ocean pollution and advocates for change.

Carson Farmer
Carson Farmer is Associate Director of the Center for Advanced Research of Spatial Information (CARSI) where he works on a number of urban issues, ranging from transportation to human impacts on the oceans. Recently, Carson has begun to examine sustainability issues surrounding urban impacts on the worlds oceans from a quantitative and policy perspective with Dr. Tim Stojanovic from St Andrews University in Scotland.

Plus more exciting participants and practitioners will join the discussion!

Supported by the American Chai Trust and Hunter College Arts Across the Curriculum program sponsored by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

For more information, please contact ehartg@hunter.cuny.edu



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