Crip Theory Today: Toward a Radical Life Praxis

Monday 23 February, 2015
5 - 8pm, $0/Rsvp

New School, Kaplan Hall
66 West 12 Street, The Auditorium

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The Gender Studies program at The New School presents the second panel discussion on its 2014-2015 theme, Feminist Technologies.

This year marks the 30-year anniversary of Donna Haraway’s groundbreaking Cyborg Manifesto.  As Alison Kafer has pointed out inFeminist, Queer, Crip, while Haraway was one of the first thinkers to place disability studies within a feminist framework, disability studies scholars have critiqued the cyborg paradigm for its more utopian aspects. 

This panel considers the relevance of Haraway’s theory for contemporary disability studies.  How might we envision a crip-cyborg theory today?  We consider connections between feminist thought, queer theory and disability studies and the ways in which crip theory today might provide a radical life praxis for the disabled and the abled.  Speakers include Sarah Chinn (Hunter College), Mara Mills(New York University), David Serlin (U.C. San Diego) and others. A reception will follow the panel.


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