Phil Klay and Tim Donley:

Art in the Aftermath

Wednesday 25 February, 2015
6:30pm, $0/Rsvp

Hunter College, Ida K. Lang Recital Hall – 695 Park Avenue, Floor 4

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Phil Klay’s Redeployment won the 2014 National Book Award for Fiction and was recently recommended on Fareed Zakaria’s GPS by Barack Obama. Klay served in the Iraq War. He will join Tim Donley, also a veteran service member and lead singer of the MusiCorps Wounded Warrior Band, for a discussion about how they have used their respective modes of creative expression to reckon both with their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan and with the aftermaths of their service. Klay, who was named one of the National Book Foundation’s 5 under 35 last year, will read from Redeployment, his first book. Donley will perform with MusiCorps founder and executive director, Arthur Bloom. MusiCorps is a music-rehabilitation program for veterans that uses mentor training, band practice, and performance to assist severely wounded veterans in the recovery of their lives upon return from their services.

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