From Minimalism to Algorithm: Karen Archey, Jace Clayton, Tere O'Connor, Cheyney Thompson

Wednesday 23 September, 2015
6:30pm, $0

The Kitchen
512 West 19 Street

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The same words often carry very different meanings for artists working in different fields, while the same maneuvers often signify in different ways according to disciplinary context. The Kitchen L.A.B. (its acronym stands for “language,” “art,” “bodies”) invites artists to unpack such ambiguous vocabularies in contemporary art by responding to them both in conversation and artworks, creating hybrid events—and, over time, hybrid audiences—that underline not only points of commonality among disciplines but also, as important, real differences.

Please join us as Karen ArcheyJace ClaytonTere O'Connor, and Cheyney Thompson discuss this year's theme: "From Minimalism into Algorithm."

Taking place in The Kitchen theater and gallery spaces throughout the 2015-2016 season, “From Minimalism into Algorithm” sets contemporary and historical painting, sculpture, performance, and musical composition in counterpoint, proposing a new through-line for art-making during the past half century. Organized collaboratively by The Kitchen and participating artists, the exhibition takes up the legacy of Minimalist art and composition during the 1960s and 1970s—whose seriality was understood by artists and critics to correlate with the era’s industrial production and increased weight placed on the presence of the individual—as a precedent for reconsidering work by a younger generation for whom serial repetition now corresponds more directly with digital technology and the reconfiguring of our encounters with physical space through networked communication.

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