Housing a Growing City

Tuesday 19 January, 2016
6:30 - 8:30pm, $16

The Museum of the City of New York
1220 Fifth Avenue

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Since the Tenement House Laws of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, New York City has been a national laboratory for innovative and affordable housing policies. But numerous challenges remain in a city with an expanding population. Low-rent housing is evaporating, homelessness is skyrocketing, the building stock is increasingly aged, and the city’s economic and demographic landscape faces ongoing shifts. Join a panel of leaders in New York City urban planning -- including housing advocates, community leaders and city officials -- to discuss these changes in our urban fabric and the potential solutions to ensuring the city remains a leader in affordable housing. This program delves into the themes of our exhibition Affordable New York: A Housing Legacy.


Seema Agnani, Director of Policy and Civic Engagement at National CAPACD

Purnima Kapur, Executive Director, NYC Department City Planning

Ritchie Torres, Council Member, 15th District

Sarah Watson, Executive Director, Citizens Housing and Planning Council

Ingrid Gould Ellen (moderator), NYU Paulette Goddard Professor of Urban Policy and Planning & Faculty Director of the Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy

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