Next Generation of Antitrust Scholars Conference

Friday 22 January, 2016
8:50am - 5:30pm, $0

NYU School of Law
108 West 3 Street, Lipton Hall

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The purpose of this day-long conference is to provide an opportunity for antitrust/competition law professors who began their full time professorial career in or after September 2008 to present their latest research. Senior antitrust scholars and practitioners in the field will comment on the papers.


08:20 – 08:50am         Registration and Continental Breakfast

08:50 – 09:00am         Introductory Comments


09:00 – 10:45am         Session 1: Institutional Issues I

Session Chair: Stephen Houck, Menaker & Herrmann


Presenter: Maciej Bernatt, University of Warsaw

The Judicial Review of FTC Decisions: Any Lessons for Europe? 

Discussant: Andrew Gavil, Howard University School of Law


Presenter: Rebecca Haw Allensworth, Vanderbilt University Law School

New Antitrust Federalism 

Discussant: Jonathan Baker, American University Washington College of Law


Presenter: Angela Zhang, King’s College London

The Faceless Court 

Discussant: Harry First, NYU School of Law


Presenter: Matthew Jennejohn, Brigham Young University Law School

Innovation and the Design of Antitrust Institutions 

Discussant: Spencer Waller, Loyola University Chicago School of Law


Practitioner Discussant: Stacey Mahoney, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius


10:45 – 11:00am         Break

11:00 – 12:45pm         Session 2: Antitrust Economics


Session Chair: Richard Steuer, Mayer Brown

Presenter: Felix Chang, University of Cincinnati College of Law

Vertical Integration in Derivatives Markets 

Discussant: Tim Wu, Columbia Law School


Presenter: Murat Mungan, Florida State University College of Law

Sharing of Cost Related Information Can Increase Consumer Welfare Under Risk-aversion

Discussant: Larry White, NYU Stern School of Business


Presenter: Yong Chao, University of Louisville Department of Economics

All-Units Discounts as a Partial Foreclosure Device

Discussant: Luis Cabral, NYU Stern School of Business


Presenter: D. Daniel Sokol, University of Florida Levin College of Law

Policy Innovations, Political Preferences, and Cartel Prosecutions

Discussant: Christopher Sprigman, NYU School of Law


Practitioner Discussant: Eric Stock, NY AG Office


12:45 – 1:45pm             Lunch

Keynote Address: Jonathan Jacobson, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati; Incoming ABA Section of Antitrust Chair

The Role of Academia in Antitrust


1:45 – 3:05pm             Session 3: Antitrust and Intellectual Property

Session Chair: Steven Edwards, Hogan Lovells


Presenter: Daryl Lim, John Marshall Law School

Patent Holdups

Discussant: Scott Hemphill, NYU School of Law


Presenter: Liza Vertinsky, Emory University School of Law


Discussant: Hillary Greene, University of Connecticut School of Law


Presenter: Ramsi Woodcock, Georgia State University J. Mack Robinson College of Business

Innovation and Reverse Payments

Discussant: Michael Carrier, Rutgers School of Law - Camden

Practitioner Discussant: Jay Himes, Labaton Sucharow


3:05 – 3:30pm             Break

3:30 – 5:00pm             Session 4: Institutional Issues II

Session Chair: Elizabeth Prewitt, Hughes Hubbard & Reed


Presenter: Marek Martyniszyn, Queen’s University Belfast

Foreign State’s Entanglement in Anticompetitive Conduct

Discussant: Edward Cavanaugh, St. John’s University School of Law


Presenter: Niamh Dunne, London School of Economics

Ratemaking through EU Law: Competition Law and Regulatory Approaches

Discussant: Mark Patterson, Fordham University School of Law


Presenter: Avirup Bose, Jindal Global Law School

Institutional Design in India’s Competition Law

Discussant: Eleanor Fox, NYU School of Law


Practitioner Discussant: Lisl Dunlop, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips


5:00 – 5:30pm             Cocktail Reception

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