The Latino Vote: Myth vs. Reality
Friday 29 January, 2016
9am - 5pm, $0/Rsvp
Columbia University, Pulitzer Hall
2950 Broadway
Join us for the first of two daylong conferences intended to dispel myths about the Latino vote and encourage more accurate, thorough political coverage of the 2016 national elections. (A second program next September will focus on the final coverage of the election.)
The conference, organized jointly by Columbia Journalism School and Telemundo, will feature discussions about demographics, recaps about the major issues of interest to Latino communities, provide tools to reporters to better research candidates’ voting records, ways to understand and then use polls and political strategists will offer a roadmap for how the national parties are likely to pursue ethnic voters.
Confirmed panelists:
-Roberto Suro, USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, & Dir., Tomas Rivera Policy Institute
-Elizabeth Llorente, Political & Immigration editor; Fox Latino
-Juan Manuel Benítez, Host, Pura Politica, NY1
-Bill Richardson, Former New Mexico Governor & Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.
-Thomas Edsall, Professor, Columbia Journalism School & contributor, The NY Times
-Nicholas Lemann, Professor, Columbia Journalism School
-Jeff Horwitt, Vice President, Hart Research, Washington, D.C.
-Micah Roberts, Vice President, Public Opinion Strategies, Washington, D.C.
Session moderators and facilitators: Telemundo News co-anchors José Díaz-Belart and María Celeste Arrarás. Additional remarks by Telemundo Vice President Luis Carlos Vélez and Columbia Journalism Dean Steve Coll.
Advanced registration for this event is required. Attendance will be limited.