African American Footprints Leading to the Future

Thursday 11 February, 2016
6:30 - 8:30pm, $0

NYU, Labowitz Theatre for the Performing Arts
1 Washington Place

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In conjunction with the Gallatin Interdisciplinary Arts Program, Black History Month will present a screening of an episode of the celebrated television program Eye on Dance, “African American Footprints Leading to the Future.” The screening will feature dancer/choreographers David Roussève and Pat Hall-Smith discussing the ways artists use the healing powers of the creative process to re-route lifelong confrontations with racism.

The evening will include a live, commissioned performance by Chafin Seymour, dancer/choreographer and artistic director of the seymour::dancecollective, which will respond to issues raised in the Eye on Dance screening—namely, artists’s understanding of cultural and racial identity through family narratives and the power of dance to influence social change. Seymour’s work has been presented at Dixon Place, Triskelion Arts, and the Gibney Dance Center, and his hybrid movement vocabulary strives to cross boundaries both culturally and aesthetically.

The evening will conclude with a panel discussion featuring Eye on Dance creator and producer Celia Ipiotis; dancer Chafin Seymour; David Roussève, professor of Choreography/Performance at UCLA’s World Arts and Culture Program; Julie Malnig, Gallatin professor, dance historian, and editor of Ballroom, Boogie, Shimmy Sham, Shake: A Social and Popular Dance Reader; and Michael Dinwiddie, Gallatin professor and playwright and cultural historian of African American life.

A Gallatin Student Affairs/Life Black History Month Program: Dismantling the Master’s House: The Spectrum of Black Activism.  Co-sponsored with The Gallatin Arts Program.

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