From Minimalism into Algorithm: Andrea Crespo, Liz Deschenes, Hayal Pozanti, Alexander Provan

Tuesday 16 February, 2016
6:30pm, $0

The Kitchen
512 West 19 Street

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In this iteration of our L.A.B. series, Andrea Crespo, Liz Deschenes, Hayal Pozanti, and Alexander Provan discuss this year's theme: “From Minimalism into Algorithm.” The same words often carry very different meanings for artists working in different fields, while the same maneuvers often signify in different ways according to disciplinary context. The Kitchen L.A.B. (its acronym stands for “language,” “art,” “bodies”) invites artists to unpack such ambiguous vocabularies in contemporary art by responding to them both in conversation and artworks, creating hybrid events—and, over time, hybrid audiences—that underline not only points of commonality among disciplines but also, as important, real differences.

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