No Revolution Without Us: Feminists of the Black Panther Party

Lynn C. French and Salamishah Tillet

Monday 01 February, 2016
6:30 - 8:30pm, $0

NYU, Labowitz Theatre for the Performing Arts
1 Washington Place

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The Black Panther Party was founded in Oakland, CA in 1966, and within only a few years over two-thirds of its members were women. Involved at every level of the organization--from running community centers to teaching in the Liberation schools to providing medical services in free Panther-sponsored clinics to leading the Party itself --women have often been treated as background figures in the organization's work. In this public conversation, Salamishah Tillet, associate professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania, speaks with Lynn C. French, former Black Panther, attorney, and advocate for the homeless, about the fight for gender equality within and beyond the Panthers. 

A Gallatin Student Affairs/Life Black History Month Program: Dismantling the Master’s House: The Spectrum of Black Activism.  Co-sponsored with the Urban Democracy Lab

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