Scholar and Feminist Conference: Sustainabilities

Reina Gossett, Cara Page, Krystal Portalatin, Joo-Hyun Kang, others

Saturday 27 February, 2016
10am, $0

Barnard College, Barnard Hall
3009 Broadway, Event Oval

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In the forty-first year of BCRW’s cornerstone conference, we are taking seriously and appropriating the framework of sustainability to ask how we can sustain the material, financial, creative, cultural, spiritual, and communal resources necessary to maintain the vitality of our communities, movements, and critical feminist inquiry. The conference brings together feminist scholars, activists, artists and community members from various constituencies to address the obstacles we face–including biomedical models of health and wellness; anti-black police and state violence; and the far-reaching tentacles of neoliberalism shrinking public resources and expanding the prison industrial complex. Panelists will address the creative and courageous responses they have developed to sustain their work as activists, scholars and visionaries working toward housing justice, ending poverty and incarceration, and building feminist knowledge production as theory, research, teaching, and praxis. Visionary activist and thinker Reina Gossett will be the keynote speaker. Full list of presenters and conference program coming soon.

Reina Gossett, Cara Page, Krystal Portalatin, Gabriel Foster, Elliott Fukui, Ejeris Dixon, Joo-Hyun Kang, Alison Swartz, Deanna James, Charmaine Crawford, Gregory Jost, Sondra Youdelman, Ryan Hickey, Amber Hollibaugh, Katherine Acey, Naima Lowe, Jamal Lewis, Tara Shuai, Rebecca Weinberger, Geleni Fontaine, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, and more.

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