Brooklyn Community Forum on Anti-Gentrification and Displacement

Sunday 24 July, 2016
12 - 5pm, $0

Brooklyn Museum
200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn (Floor 4)

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You're invited to an afternoon of performances, panel discussions, small-group conversations, and more, all exploring the effects of gentrification and displacement on New Yorkers, specifically communities of color. You'll also hear about successful strategies led by people of color to protect and preserve their neighborhoods. Information tables provided by community groups will be set up throughout the afternoon.

12–12:15 p.m.
Opening Ceremony | Performance by Calpulli Tlet Papalotzin

12:30–1:30 p.m.
Panel: Effects of Gentrification and Displacement | Moderator: Rob Robinson, Take Back the Land

To be announced, speaking on Dr. Mindy Fullilove's Root Shock
Cathy Dang, CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities
Imani Henry, Brooklyn Anti-gentrification Network (B.A.N.)
Catherine Green, ARTs East New York
1:30 p.m.
Musical Performance | Monsters of Brooklyn

2–3 p.m.
Panel: Successful Strategies and Stories on Rezoning and Development | Moderator: Tom Angotti, Director of the Hunter College Center for Community Planning & Development

Alicia Boyd, Movement to Protect the People (MTOPP)
To be announced, representative of UPROSE
2–3 p.m.
Teen Roundtable

3–4:30 p.m.
Breakout Sessions | Small-group discussions and working groups facilitated by the panel speakers

3:30–4:30 p.m.
Workshop: How Can Cultural Institutions Support Communities | Facilitated by Antonio Serna, Artists of Color Bloc, and Todd Ayoung, Pratt Social Practice Group | Invited guest Aurora P. Robinson, Black Lives Matter Pratt

4:30 pm
Closing Gathering | Performance by Monsters of Brooklyn

This program is organized and co-presented in collaboration with Artists of Color Bloc, B.A.N., MTOPP, and select artists from the exhibition Agitprop!.

Free with Museum admission, which is a suggested donation.

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