Trainwreck: Sady Doyle with Amanda Hess
Monday 26 September, 2016
7pm, $0
McNally Jackson
52 Prince Street
The news is filled with tongue-clucking and finger-wagging over young celebrities like Britney Spears and Amy Winehouse, but according to Sady Doyle’s debut book Trainwreck, the scapegoating of certain women has deep roots. She traces this tradition back to the discourse surrounding historical figures like Charlotte Brontë and Mary Wollstonecraft, parsing it through a contemporary feminist perspective. Trainwreck, says Irin Carmon, “brilliantly connects the dots on the women our society likes to chew up and spit out. We need this book.” Sady Doyle is a journalist and essayist who has written for The Guardian, The Atlantic, Slate, and more. She will be joined by Amanda Hess, a writer and editor whose work has appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Elle, Wired, Marie Claire, The Los Angeles Times, and The Village Voice.