Cities and Immigration in the Age of Trump

Thursday 26 January, 2017
9 - 11:15am, $0

NYU Law School, Vanderbilt Hall
40 Washington Square South, Greenberg Lounge

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In his first 100 days in office, President-Elect Donald Trump intends to cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities-part of broader commitment to reduce unauthorized immigration. This raises a number of important questions. What makes a city a "sanctuary city"? How might the new administration go about defunding them? How will sanctuary cities respond to federal pressure? More broadly, what motivates cities and states to develop policy with immigrants in mind and, beyond the issue of sanctuary cities, what role might we expect cities and states to play on the issue of immigration during the Trump Presidency?

Panel I-Sanctuary Cities

Confirmed Speakers:

Melissa Mark-Viveritoo-Speaker, New York City Council

Dara Lind-Journalist,

Alina Das-Associate Professor of Clinical Law & Co-Director of Immigrant Rights Clinic, NYU

Moderator: Clayton Gillette-Max E. Greenberg Professor of Contract Law & Director of the Marron Institute, NYU

Panel II-Immigration: the Role of Cities and States

Confirmed Speakers:

Kate Brick-Director of State and Local Initiatives, Partnership for a New American Economy

Adam Cox-Roert A. Kindler Professor of Law, NYU

Aaron Renn-Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute

Moderator: Brandon Fuller-Deputy Director of the Marron Institute, NYU

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