vPPR Architects with Adam Frampton
Monday 30 January, 2017
6:30pm, $0
Columbia University, Avery Hall
1172 Amsterdam Avenue, Wood Auditorium
The award-winning practice vPPR Architects was founded in 2009 by Tatiana von Preussen, Catherine Pease and Jessica Reynolds. Known for bold designs that work intelligently in complex locations and inspired by design from both the UK and the US, vPPR believes that architecture can and should be brave through simple, honest clarity, while responding to local history and context. The firm designs buildings that find opportunities in constraints, responding with elegant yet striking forms that playfully negotiate between private and communal spaces.
Working in the UK and abroad, projects that range from urban masterplans to private houses, from the cultural to the commercial. Universal principles can be applied across sectors, helping to reinvent building types to suit modern life. Housing is a particular specialty, particularly in facing the challenge of building on highly constrained infill sites, the only land left within London’s dense fabric.
The studio operates under the belief in the continual crossover between art and architecture, seeking creative solutions that strengthen communities, no matter how large or small.