Peter Cook with Bernard Tschumi
Monday 27 February, 2017
6:30pm, $0
Columbia University, Avery Hall
1172 Amsterdam Avenue, Wood Auditorium
Sir Peter Cook is the founder of the radical experimentalist group Archigram and the former Director the Institute for Contemporary Art, London (the ICA) and Bartlett School of Architecture at University College, London and has been a pivotal figure within the global architectural world for over half a century. His collaboration with Gavin Robotham - Cook-Robotham Architectural Bureau (CRAB) was founded in 2006 following their curatorship of the British Pavillion for the Venice Biennale that year. Award winning built projects include the Abedian School of Architecture, Australia; Vienna University of Economics and Business and Kunsthaus Graz in Austria. Sir Cook will discuss his widely published love affair with all things slithering, swarming, and the spooky.