Haptic Bodies: Perception, Touch, and the Ethics of Being (Day 2 of 2)

Saturday 04 March, 2017
10am - 6:30pm, $0

Barnard College, Diana Center
3009 Broadway, Event Oval

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How are we, as global citizens, accountable to each other? This year’s Scholar and Feminist Conference explores the haptic— the perception and manipulation of objects using the sense of touch—as an ethics of being in the world. Feminist scholars, artists, and activists come together in this utterly unique two-day conference to examine the many ways in which touch helps us better understand the politics and aesthetics of embodiment, situatedness, and performance. Through a series of panels and artistic “happenings,” we consider how our senses—not only touch, but taste, sight, and sound—situate us as bodies in political and economic contexts (such as labor), as well as in personal and sensory ones.

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